July ’24 Market Report

July 12, 2024

As we exit prime selling season, new listings are declining, reflecting a cooling market. Year-over-year closings are down 16.7%, and sales volume has decreased by 15.1%. Sellers must price competitively and ensure turn-key appeal, while buyers should be patient, as stale listings linger and quality new listings are quickly snapped up.

Market Update: New Listings Decline as Prime Season Winds Down

As we transition out of the prime selling season, a notable trend is emerging in the real estate market: new listings are beginning to decline. This shift marks the end of the bustling activity typical of the peak months, and it brings to light several critical metrics that underscore the current state of the market.

Total Market Sales Metrics Paint a Grim Picture

The overall sales metrics for the market are quite dismal. Year-over-year, the number of closings has decreased by a staggering 16.7%. This significant drop in transactions highlights the cooling demand that has set in as we move past the busiest months of the year.

Sales Volume Takes a Hit

Sales volume has also seen a considerable decline, down by 15.1% compared to last year. This reduction in the total dollar amount of homes sold is a clear indicator of the market’s current sluggishness. The decline in both the number of closings and the sales volume points to a broader trend of reduced buyer activity and increased caution.

The Tale of Two Listings: Stale vs. New

A distinct pattern is emerging within the listings themselves. Stale listings—those that have been on the market for an extended period—are taking an exceptionally long time to sell. On the other hand, quality new listings priced under $1 million are still being quickly snapped up by eager buyers. This dichotomy emphasizes the importance of fresh, well-maintained properties in attracting buyer interest.

Advice for Sellers: Price Competitively and Ensure Turn-Key Appeal

For sellers looking to make a successful sale in this challenging market, the strategy is clear: price competitively and ensure your home has a turn-key appeal. In a landscape where buyers have plenty of options, a home that stands out in terms of price and readiness is more likely to attract offers and avoid languishing on the market.

Advice for Buyers: Patience is Key

For buyers, the advice is to be patient. The market’s “leftovers” are often unsold for a reason. These properties may have issues or be overpriced, and waiting for the right home that meets your criteria is crucial. While the market may feel slow, opportunities for well-priced, quality homes do arise, and being ready to act when they do can lead to a successful purchase.

Let’s Wrap it Up

As we move out of the prime selling season, the real estate market is showing clear signs of cooling. With new listings declining and key sales metrics down, both buyers and sellers need to adjust their strategies to navigate these changes effectively. Sellers must focus on competitive pricing and property condition, while buyers should exercise patience and diligence. Staying informed and adaptable will be key to making the most of the current market dynamics.

July 2024 Denver Stats