May ’24 Market Report

May 23, 2024

The spring market in Denver is bustling with increased activity despite higher interest rates. A 20% rise in listings offers buyers more options, leading to balanced market conditions. Homes are selling faster, and while pricing is cooling, well-priced homes under $1 million continue to attract quick offers.

Spring Market in Denver: Activity Surges Amid Rising Inventory and Stable Prices

The spring market in Denver has really kicked off this month, marking a period of increased activity across all fronts. Despite persistently higher interest rates, the real estate market remains dynamic and resilient. Sellers are experiencing a steady flow of showings and interest in their listings, although we aren’t seeing a dramatic increase in prices that typically leads to bidding wars. Instead, the list price to sales price ratio is holding steady, beginning to reflect a more balanced market.

Increased Listings and Buyer Patience

We are seeing the most significant factor contributing to the current market stability is the 20% increase in listings. This influx of new properties is providing would-be buyers with more options, allowing them to be more patient and selective in their home-buying decisions. The increased inventory is creating a more balanced market where buyers don’t feel as pressured to rush into a purchase.

Fewer Days on Market Despite Higher Inventory

Interestingly, even with the higher inventory levels, homes are still selling fast. The average days on market have dropped by 27% month over month, indicating that well-priced homes are still attracting quick offers. This trend suggests that while buyers have more choices, they are still acting decisively when they find a home that meets their needs and budget.

Market Outlook:

With inventory up 45% year over year, we can expect the market to cool on pricing through the summer. Homes priced under $1 million, if priced appropriately, will continue to trade well. This price point is significant because it represents a common tipping point for the rent versus buy decision; the financial gap between renting and buying at this level is manageable for many buyers.

In contrast, the market for homes priced over $1 million is expected to shift more towards a buyer’s market. Sellers in this segment will need to be particularly strategic about pricing and marketing their properties. Having the right expert in your corner is crucial to ensure your home is priced to sell in a more competitive environment.

Real Strategy for Our Sellers and Buyers

For sellers, it’s essential to partner with a knowledgeable real estate expert who can help you navigate the market trends and price your home effectively. At The RealGroup, we provide the expertise and market insights needed to position your home for a successful sale. Our approach to pricing your house to sell goes above and beyond a simple price comparison. Contact us for details on how we bring value to you.

For buyers, especially those looking in the sub-$1 million market, it’s important to focus on acquiring a property that offers the best value for your money. With competition in this segment and a softening in the luxury market, make sure you’re making a smart investment that fits your needs and financial goals. Don’t trade a minor savings on your payment for a long term loss by choosing the wrong asset.


The Denver real estate market is experiencing an exciting spring season with increased activity, stable pricing, and faster sales. As we move through the summer, expect the market dynamics to continue evolving, with more opportunities for both buyers and sellers. Whether you’re looking to buy or sell, staying informed and working with experienced professionals will help you make the most of this vibrant market. Expect more.

May 24 Denver Market Stats